Chiropractor Miami FL Rosado Family

Get The Life


Chiropractor Miami FL

Welcome to New Leaf Chiropractic in Miami, Florida where our mission is to help individuals and families gain victory in their health through neurologically based chiropractic care. We are a state of the art healthcare facility that focuses on finding the root cause of your health concerns and not merely masking them with unnecessary pills, drugs and surgeries. We understand that health is your greatest asset and our goal is to help you and your family achieve and maintain the healthy and abundant life you were created for. We are your Miami chiropractor, building healthier communities for generations to come.

Welcome to New Leaf Chiropractic

We are located in the Deerwood Shopping Center which is across from Zoo Miami and is nestled between Winn Dixie and Subway, overlooking the Home Depot .

Dr. Richard Rosado is a Miami native and grew up receiving traditional Chiropractic care. Upon graduation, he, along with his wife, Dr. Sherry Rosado, felt there was a need for improving the health of the communities of South Florida through specific Chiropractic care, which promoted the move from Atlanta, Georgia to South Florida. Our goal is not to stop there, however, but to change the health of all Florida as well! We aim to deliver a natural, drug free answer to common health issues that plague the community. We believe that everyone has the right to be healthy and we want to see everyone reach their full, God-given, health potential.

Schedule a complimentary consultation today in order to find out the root cause of your health concerns.


10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm

By Appointment Only

10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm

By Appointment Only

By Appointment Only

Best Chiropractors in Miami

Working with New Leaf Chiropractic
will make a difference in your health.


We are very family-oriented in our office, seeing babies, and elderly alike, as well as pregnant moms and athletes. We know that taking care of the spine, no matter who you are, is crucial for overall health. We get to know everyone that walks into our office and focus on them and their specific needs, so we are not a "one-size-fits-all" place. We use very specific diagnostic testing to assess each individual and provide them with a specific care plan designed for them.

We also are trained and certified in one of the most well-researched Chiropractic techniques in the world, the Torque Release Technique. This technique works with the nervous system to make sure the body is able to communicate with the brain. We are also certified in Webster's Technique, which helps prepare a pregnant mom's pelvis to achieve the optimal environment for the baby to grow and thrive. This technique also helps maintain a body healthy for labor and delivery of the baby.


The nervous system controls how the body works, and if there is pressure on the nerves, many issues can occur. Issues such as headaches/migraines, neck pain, back pain, sciatica in adults and ear infections, asthma and several other conditions in kids.

We simply remove the interference in the body and allow it to do what it was designed to do. In the 2 years we have been opened we have seen issues improve and resolved such as infertility, digestive issues, knee pain and other joint dysfunctions to name a few.

We also see many babies and children with issues such as asthma, allergies, autism, cerebral palsy, bed-wetting, earaches and frequent illnesses as well.

The many medications these kids are on only mask their issues, but Chiropractic care has been proven to alleviate many of these conditions in children.