Happy Detoxing

Happy Detoxing

Detox Week at New Leaf ChiropracticLast year was something, wasn't it? This brand new year is the perfect time to detox of the old and get in with the new! I know it is pretty cliché to start a detox at the New Year but what better time to set the stage for a healthy year, right?

This first full week of 2021 is all about DETOXING here in NLHWL! Whether it's our bodies, our homes, our minds or our cars (yes cars!), a good detox is crucial to our overall health and I will be sharing my top tips and tricks for efficiently detoxing without feeling overwhelmed!

Tomorrow I will share our first detox, a Home Detox!

I'd love to know who in this group might also be interested in a group body detox as well? I wanted to do something for myself and thought, what better group to share it with?

*If you could have everything put together for you already, with the cleanest ingredients and step-by-step guide, would you try a 1 month gut and body reset?

This would be a perfect time to join together and have accountability in improving our health and wellness! If this is something you would love to do, or just learn about, send me a message and I will give you more information!