Chiropractic Miami FL New Leaf Mama BLog Header

Welcome to the page!! I am really so happy to have you here!

This page is dedicated to sharing as much research and knowledge on living healthier, toxin-free lives!

I would love for you all to reach out as much as you want, ask questions, share ideas, and please feel free to invite others who might love the same information! If there is ever anything you have a question on, reach out to me and I will make a post for you or give you as best of an answer as I can get!

Here are my resources for you. You can find any of these by searching at the top, the search bar but if you cannot find it, please reach out to me to tag you on the lists!

Crunchi is a revolutionary line of high performance, safe, and toxin-free cosmetics that is redefining beauty. I am extremely passionate about sharing the green beauty movement. You can find all of the toxin-free cosmetics I use and recommend HERE.

Here is an extensive list of blacklisted ingredients. SAVE THIS PHOTO as a favorite on your phone!!! This will help you become an ingredient detective. You can also utilize the search bar to find details about a particular ingredient.

Download both of these free resources from the App Store! Think Dirty App & EWG App - They are great resources to give you an idea of how good or bad a product is rated. These apps are not perfect but it is a food starting point if you are new to reading labels. It's best to compare ingredients with the blacklisted ingredient cheatsheet. You can also search for ingredients on the EWG Skindeep website.

I have comparison charts with a lot of popular makeup and skincare brands. If you'd like to know how your products rate, I'd be happy to check them out for you. I encourage ALL of you to take a look at the blacklisted ingredients in the makeup and skincare you're currently using! A lot of them are hormone disruptors and even carcinogenic.

We've talked about just about everything! If you don't see something you're looking for, let me know and I'll work on a post! Some other popular topics you may find helpful.. sunscreen, skincare, tampons, condoms, feminine wash, detox bath, razors, bras, dry brushing, mouthwash, floss, food storage, cookware, recipes.

Adding Friends & Family

I get asked almost daily if you are allowed to invite friends and the answer is yes, of course!
My mission is to educate and empower as many women as possible on toxin-free living!

New Leaf Inspired Living Blog

Who Loves Herbs?

Who Loves Herbs?

Who Loves Herbs? I’m a huge Thomas Keller fan and in his MasterClass course he said “if you’re going to make a dish with dried herbs, you might as well not make the dish”! So I’ve been doing a lot of cooking with real herbs in Miami and learning about how to grow and store…

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Toxin-Free Candles

Toxin-Free Candles

Toxin-Free Candles I remember back in my past noncrunchy life I had alllll the toxic fall scented candles. Now they would give me a serious headache! I grabbed a candle from Sealove in Miami and no headache! And not an overwhelming fragrance at all! Natural Candles in Miami Are you a candle lover? Need a cleaner…

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Homemade Nutella

Homemade Nutella

Homemade Nutella As you all know, I love my dessert and I’m always looking for ways to make them a bit more guilt-free! Nutella has long been one of my most favorite desserts and I try to stay away because of the unfortunate “natural flavors” included in the ingredients list. So I made my own…

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